Bios update Corebook

I need an updated version of BIOS due to compatibility issue on battery. Actual 2.20.1271 needed 2.20.1275 or newer

My unit is JCorBXIW1H211102708 bought by Amazon

thanks and regards


i asked Tech to see if by chance they have this version even its hard for us to know without the correct serial number of the Bios, as @bobcat also was asking for it.

Hi Maria Isabel

my BIOS Version is: JXX-BI-14.1-WU133ER110-EA90B-072-h

Build: 11/22/2021 12:45:35

EC Version: EC-VEer-02.07

Thanks again


I talked with Tech, they are not able to find Version 75 unless you provide us the Serial Number of that BIOS. Because our BIOS are registered with Serial Numbers.
If you wrote this post it means you also saw in other platform some users that could solve the problem with that one. I would appreciate if you find those users and ask them to tell you the SN of their BIOS , so we can see which one it is, and if by chance we have it.