Hi guys, a have a tablet chuwi hi10 pro. On motherboard i found two broken smd components sot23-5
One of them is 4601 and I found that is ws4601 WS4601 datasheet
I have problem with the second one. Marking code is CP7T but i dont know what it could be.
Does anyone know what is this ?
I had the same thing. Just replace the ws4601 and remove cp7t smd thing. It is something reverse protection or idk. The tablet works without it.
I asked the chuwi support, i’m waiting for their answer.
I don’t dare to reinstall my hi10pro because of this again.
HI10 plus CW1527 Black screen, no charging light non c’è alimentazione 1.7v dovuta al guasto del chip CP7, da verificare perchè si è guastato, condensatori della linea in corto, Io sono ancora in attesa del componente cp7 introvabile !