Disculpe, soy un poco nuevo.
Cómo se hace la instalación de los drivers?
Mira si esto te ayudara:
Windows installation tutorial: windows installation system tutorial
Driver installation tutorial: Driver installation tutorial
Can you please send me the drivers, firmware update and everything for my device please?
Thank you
can you help me please?
There is no firmware update, is already discontinued.
I send you the original ones:
Windows installation tutorial: windows installation system tutorial
Driver installation tutorial: Driver installation tutorial
Hello. The microphone and speakers stopped working. The devices have a problem installing drivers. Error - The specified buffer contains data in an invalid format. Model -
Where can I find a suitable driver or is this a hardware problem?
Try this;
The drivers didn’t work. Same error during installation
When trying to update driver, it shows a message like this. Should I update or not?
Help is appreciated.
Is possible that you have a hardware issue, what about reinstalling windows again?
How to identify OEM manufacturer for Chuwi Corebook X? So that I can install from the right source.
Hi can you give me drivers especially for sound XCorBXIZ14P24093440
IF you give the your serial number i give them
I need drivers for Backlit Keybaord and Wifi
Chuwi CoreBook X i5-12Gen
Product Serial No. XCorBXIZ17P24110060
I need drivers for Backlit Keyboard and WiFi
Also, when I shut down my laptop and I try to charge it, it does not charge. it only charges when Im using it. Why is that?
Backlight we dont have a patch for that right now. I asked tech if possible we can do because more of you will come with the issue.
Did you touch any configuration?