Corebox i5 HDD expansion

How to install HDD expansion?
I have SATA wired standard, but I don’t know what power wired I need?

You must have the bundled cable to connect the hard drive to.

Where can I buy it? What is the name or reference of cable?

Probably you can buy it only from chuwi

I contact after sales, and other emails, but no body said me where to buy that wired.
I can’t found it searching Internet.
What is the reference?
Chuwi recomends connect SSD as external drive but CoreBox has internal expansion.

Something like this, but power connector may be different.

For the record, the power connector is called “JST mini Micro 2.0 PH” female 4-pin and is quite common in electronic devices : you can either scrap it from a discarded device, or find it by the dozen on aliexpress or amazon.

From this point it is fairly easy to DIY your way using a standard cable like the one in the previous reply.

I’m seriously considering adding a second 2.5 HDD now, but first I need to mod the bracket to make it a duplex

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Ciao a tutti, volevo solo informarvi che è possibile installare win10 su ssd sata.

questo può essere utile a chi ha già un ssd sata e vuole espandere quello M.2 montato di serie.

la procedura è un pò difficile, perchè bisogna smontare e rimuovere ssd m.2 e lasciare lo slot libero.

Installando un ssd sulla porta sata viene riconosciuto dall’installazione di Win10, bisogna convertirlo in formato gpe (lo fa anche l’installazione di win10) poi si procede con l’installazione normale.

Spero di essere stato utile.


Hello everyone
I finally got hold on a connector to the corebox X power port that I modified to fit on the SATA connector of the HDD.
I found it on Amazon.
I had to cut off the wires of the SATA connector and connect them to the JST connector as shown on the picture from Chuwiservice.
It worked.
The reference on Amazon is:
Adafruit JST PH 4-Pin to Female Socket Cable - I2C Stemma Cable - 200 mm
Have a nice day.

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Awesome soldering and from the picture from CHUWI Service one can make a replacement.

Hello everybody.

I’m desesperatly asking for help here. I have bought two diferent kinds of cable and non of them is the correct one.

Could anybody tell me exactly what type of connector should i buy to solder a new cable?

I have bought so far:
Mini Micro JST 2,0 PH

I can’t buy the adafruit referenced above in my country so i have to buy the cable via amazon spain or aliexpress.

Thanks in advanced

Sorry, wrong size connector. I ordered the above pack and the adapter is too large for the plug in the Corebox.

The adapter’s too large for the Corebox. I’ll get a different one to fit!

Write back after 8 Feb so i can ask , right now are on holidays