Hi10 XR drivers for Win 11

Hi Folks,
Where can I download the Windows 11 driver pack for my Hi10 XR?
Many thanks in advance and best regards…

i dont think we have windows 11, but i will ask again
Would you mind to tell me your serial number?

Yes, I am (on Win 11)!
In october 2020, I bought it with Win 10 pre-installed… later on, Microsoft propose me to upgrade to Win 11 via Windows Update.
This week, I decided to install a “Tiny” version of Win 11 and I need a bunch of drivers to complete the installation…
Many thanks in advance and best regards…
Serial : Hi10XR Q128G20107053

Here they are


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All drivers are installed… now, the Device Manager is clean, no more device without driver!

im glad to hear that