[Hi8] [Official Version] Chuwi Hi8 Windows, Android, Bios, Driver, Tutorial Download

Hello, if you still need software and Drivers for Chuwi Hi8 Pro DualOS, you can find it at: blog/geekbuyings.com CHUWI HI8 PRO DUAL OS WINDOWS 10 + ANDROID 5.1 NEW FIRMWARE_204074 (Unpack password: geekbuying.com) Download ROM: Part 1, Part 2 (unzip password: geekbuying. …

If you only need the Drivers, you can send me your e-mail privately, so I can forward them directly to you.

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Hello I recently reinstalled win10 to my hi8 since it crashed. I can’t find working drivers anywhere. Can you please help me.

Hello Athanasios
What Hi8 is it ?. Is it a Hi8 or Hi8 Pro (Dual OS)?
Waiting, I salute you

I beg you
to add if it is a 32Bit or 64Bit OS.

Does anybody know if I can dual boot windows 10 and android 9 on the chuwi hi8 pro ? I tried using android x86 from android-x86.org on an usb flash drive and tried live usb but the only problem i had was that the touchscreen wasnt working. Is it possible to install touchscreen drivers on android x86 ? If not atleast does anybody know how i can install android 6.0 remix os because i saw a post on xda-developers about android 6.0 on this tablet but there were no download links.

Thank you in advance.

Ciao Sabino,
After formatting my Chuwi Hi8 Pro and installing just the Win 10, Bluetooth is not working. I followed most of the steps mentioned above and was able to make everything else run. Any ideas?

Hello Emfirio
Granted that you have made a mistake in formatting the disk, because you lose the OEM Drivers and Programs, which are often not available or difficult.
Whatever work is done on a Tablet, the disk must never be formatted.
The ISO supplied by Microsoft only have the most popular PC Drivers, not all of them are suitable for tablets. PCs generally don’t have Bluetooth.
In addition, the OEM programs are absent: they are specific to individual products.
For this reason, the disc should never be formatted.
To upgrade / update a Windows Build, or to switch from DualOS to Single, there are simple methods, not known by Amateurs or Geeks.
Now ask for an IDEA.
1-You can try to update the Bluetooth Drivers Installed on the Tablet.
2-Otherwise try to install the Program (Brand and Model) of the Bluetooth installed on the Tablet and then to update the Drivers.
3-If you can’t, the task is tiring but possible: you need to download the Software and Driver for Chuwi Hi8 Pro DualOS, in this Link: blog.geekbuying.com CHUWI HI8 PRO DUAL OS WINDOWS 10 + ANDROID 5.1 NEW FIRMWARE_204074 (Unpack password: geekbuying.com) Download ROM: Part 1, Part 2 (unzip password: geekbuying.com).
4-First, Reinstall Windows 10 (by selecting ‘Single’, in the “Main.cmd” file)
5-Then, update it “In Place” to the latest Version (Without Formatting it).
Greeting Sabino

Hello Emfirio
Granted that you have made a mistake in formatting the disk, because you lose the OEM Drivers and Programs, which are often not available or difficult.
Whatever work is done on a Tablet, the disk must never be formatted.
The ISO supplied by Microsoft only have the most popular PC Drivers, not all of them are suitable for tablets. PCs generally don’t have Bluetooth.
In addition, the OEM programs are absent: they are specific to individual products.
For this reason, the disc should never be formatted.
To upgrade / update a Windows Build, or to switch from DualOS to Single, there are simple methods, not known by Amateurs or Geeks.
Now ask for an IDEA.
1-You can try to update the Bluetooth Drivers Installed on the Tablet.
2-Otherwise try to install the Program (Brand and Model) of the Bluetooth installed on the Tablet and then to update the Drivers.
3-If you can’t, the task is tiring but possible: you need to download the Software and Driver for Chuwi Hi8 Pro DualOS, in this Link: blog.geekbuying.com CHUWI HI8 PRO DUAL OS WINDOWS 10 + ANDROID 5.1 NEW FIRMWARE_204074 (Unpack password: geekbuying.com) Download ROM: Part 1, Part 2 (unzip password: geekbuying.com).
4-First, Reinstall Windows 10 (by selecting ‘Single’, in the “Main.cmd” file)
5-Then, update it “In Place” to the latest Version (Without Formatting it).
Greeting Sabino

Thanks a lot, I’ll see if I can make it work!

hello…i have an hi8 and i delete all android partitions to have only windows…after that the tablet was stuck at startup.i install windows again from usb but i have problem with drivers.
Bluetooth doesnt work and the system is not stable. i search at BIOS and i see at wifi says realtek and bluetooth is disabled. bios version is s806_206 and serial number Q32G22150909134.
I think bios is not correct. Any help will be good…

sorry bluetooth in bios says realtek rgn rtl8723bs

Buenas tardes, no funciona ningun enlace para conseguir los drivers ni la version de windows o android de la tablet Hi8. No los encuentro en ningun sitio porque ha pasado ya mucho tiempo. Alguien tiene los enlaces de descarga?

Un saludo y gracias

Hi I can’t access my Hi8 anymore (Windows and Android partition) and need to reinstall it. Were can I find the latest firmware and roms to do a reinstallation? hi8 PQ32G22170901387 thanks in advance for your help.

does anyone still have the bios??? the links are dead and i cant find it anywhere else

@19v8 send me your serial number and i will send you the files.

Hi, I have a Hi8 tablet, I only have one Windows partition installed, but I would like to delete everything and install only one Android partition. My serial number is: Q32G22160601417. Could you send me the necessary files and a brief tutorial on how to install it?

This is what we have…
android+Windows +bios


Flashing Tools + Tutorials

I have a dual boot HI8 tablet ref: CW1513.
I have managed to install some versions of Windows, since I have removed the Android, but the touchpad does not work properly.
I need the touchpad driver.
S/N PQ32G22170903925