[Hi10 Plus] [Official Version] [4G/64G] Chuwi Hi10 Plus Remix OS, Windows, Bios Download

[Official Version] [4G/64G] Chuwi Hi10 Plus Download:

Remix OS:
Chuwi Hi10 Plus Remix OS 2.0:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/7k … 8%29_-_Remix_OS.rar

Chuwi Hi10 Plus Android 5.1:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/gn … 300_Android_5.1.rar

Chuwi Hi10 Plus Windows - Seven Parts:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder … _Plus_Windows_Z8300
(The Windows file is so large, i divided it into eight parts so that you can download it easily)

Chuwi Hi10 Plus All Drivers:

Chuwi Hi10 Plus Touch Driver:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/4z … us_Touch_driver.rar

Above documents are used for Z8300 CPU Hi10 Plus, before serial number Hi10 Q64G42160804000 (including this serial number)

Chuwi Hi10 Plus Z8350 (20161118) Andorid, Windows Download: ( after serial number Hi10 LQ64G42160804000 )

Android :
Chuwi Hi10 Plus (Z8350) Android download:

Windows :
Chuwi Hi10 Plus (Z8350) Windows download:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder … _Plus_Windows_Z8350

Chuwi Hi10 Plus Bios Download( used for Z8350):
Hi10 PLus Bios(8350)20170622

Chuwi Hi10 Plus (201702) Bios, Andorid, Windows Download:

Android :

Windows :

Drivers: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqpKvT8-VB_8wF6f4widTx8LEfJp?e=qfPtp6

Chuwi Hi10 Plus (201711) Andorid, Windows Download:

Android :

Windows :

windows tutorial
The same with Hi10 Pro

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I flashed the bios as described in this topic. It’s over but it won’t open again. Then I opened it manually. The light is on but no text appears on the screen. Android to install chuwi article does not come. I’m going crazy. What should I do. Urgent, please.

The Bios should not be touched under any circumstances unless Chuwi indicates it to improve the device. The published bios are not updates but new bios for different versions of the same model. That “update” could produce brick.
You need to reprogram the bios, opening the tablet and using a clamp.

But, when install android first, flash bios, later android and last reinstall Windows write there?

And what is clamp?

Oh my god. Terrible :astonished::astonished::astonished:

this link doesnt work
can i have the archive please or wich one is better for serial LQ64G42161104707

My Chuwi is dead after instal bios. Where i find correct BIOS file for My Chuwi LQ64G42160809221 model Cw1527 Intel z8300? Help me please.

Hi, I wanted the correct bios for my Chuwi model, which is: 4G + 64G H10 LQ64G42161200731
since they passed me a bios and the camera doesn’t work for me

İnstall Windows again and update 1903,but touch screen and volume not working. Sounds fine, but it doesn’t work. I couldn’t do anything for the touch screen. It doesn’t appear on the menu. Adversity adversity adversity.

And there is two unknown driver. What is this. İ didnt fint anyway. İ did Windows update.

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Always, before reinstalling a system, we must get the drivers of the current system itself if everything works and then reinstall them in the new system. It is not convenient to reinstall directly without having obtained the drivers since Windows will only install the drivers of the Intel devices, they remain without a controller in the devices of another brand, as usually happens with the touch, sound and sometimes with the WiFi and Bluetooth

Since, apparently the damage is already done, you should obtain the drivers published in this forum within the downloads and support section, in the thread corresponding to your tablet model and that matches, within the thread, with the serial number of your device In the case of a single file, there is no doubt and you should use that.

solved one problem. choose touchscreen driver and ok. İ thing so other one is for camera. But camera drivers didnt work…

try these: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqpKvT8-VB_88ydMGRWsguUufLwd?e=O9ghmh

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Thanks bro. yes its done. Now there is only volume problem…

you must remove the sound driver and restart


What is this? I dont understand?

Dont work, nothing happened…

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