[Official Version](for Dualboot with Android and Windows)Chuwi Hi12 Android + Remix + Windows10 + Bios + driver download links:
1. Android:
The “flash-no-erase-all.json” file:
https://mega.nz/#!tgpShJyT!iKt3k … YwGnz6p6pP7WxROl5SY
2. Windows:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Windows 10 Download ( 7 parts ):
https://www.mediafire.com/folder … 12_Dualboot_Windows
The Windows file is too large, so it is divided into 7 parts. Every part is about 1GB.
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Bios Download:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Latest Bios Download:
https://mega.nz/#!ghRAVIoI!NoGU_ … oKCZOEYyl9cD2Amc8SA
To solve the wifi disconnet issue, reboot issue…
The version number is 5.11 28.04.2016
5. Driver:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Driver_X64 Download:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Touch Driver Download:
https://mega.nz/#!tlxR1JJD!o9J97 … n0X62A6lJ1EbYqjr3qM
Chuwi Hi12 Camera Driver for cannot recording:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot (20161008) Download:
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Android (20161008)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/fc … _NG_W_DS_V1.0.6.zip
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Windows (20161008)
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Bios (20161008)
(Chuwi Hi12 BIOS 20161008)
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Windows(TP) for Z8350CPU
(used for serial number Hi12 Q64G45170100001-Hi12 Q64G45170105000, Update the TP driver )
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Windows Z8350:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder … Hi12_Windows_Z8350_(TP)_170100001-170105000
PS: The touch screen is changed.
Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Android Z8350:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/1r … _NG_W_DS_V1.0.7.zip
Chuwi Touch Driver Z8350 (for Hi12 Q64G45170100001-Hi12 Q64G45170105000):
http://www.mediafire.com/file/g5 … %29%28-V1.4.2.0.rar
New Driver:
hi12 drivers (for Q64G45170400XXX):
Windows:(for Q64G45170400XXX)
Notice: the links above are for Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot with android and windows.
Chuwi Hi12 Tutorial:
It is dualboot Hi12 tablet after serial number Q64G451603XXXXX;
Hi12 use the Z8300 CPU before serial number Q64G45161002500;
Hi12 use the Z8350 CPU after serial number Q64G45161100001;
It is Windows10 singleboot Hi12 tablet before serial number 451603XXXXX;
Above bios are only for Chuwi Hi12 tablet with Z8300. If your tablet is Z8350 CPU, please don’t use this bios. It will brick your tablet. Besides, Chuwi Hi12 Bios for Z8350 will erase the Windows key, so i will not publish it.