HiPad XPro -> Update to Android 13?

Hello all,
kindly ask for help to update the HiPad XPro to Android 13 because of that wifi issue on Android 12. (I am fully aware that multiple threads have been opend on the topic - I was not able to find a solution thats works - I have tried multiple times to get it working but faild, therefor kindly request support.)

Serial number:
IMEI 1: 867519044664507
IMEI 2: 867519044694504

From another thread at

I would suggest that
is the correct file.

I fail to identify the correct upgrade tool and assume that I fail to put the tablet into
the correct mode to “receive” mode.

What will be the next step ?
Would appreciate your help.
Thank you
Best regards from Germany


Because there we files yet to be uploaded you need the tools

Its in Spanish but its clear how to dfo it

Hello Maria Isabel,
thanks a lot for the flash tool software and the movie - it helped big times (with assistance of google translator :blush: ) It booted correctly afterwards the instructions.

One question remains: which file do I need for the update to Android 13 ?

Because I did all the steps with 4355_ZW_T616_P30_CHWI_HiPad_XPro_EEA_S_20230331_user.pac
and I am still in Andoid 12 land according to the display. There must be another file required ?

Any idea ?
Thank you
Best regards,

To follow up on the topic:

For the update to Android 13 you will need this firmware file:


Its currently available here:

Everything is working except the rotation issue - this can be fixed with a rotation app in the play store.

Best regards,