HipadXPro T616 won't Hard reset

Hi. Need some help Hard reseting my tablet. Buttons combination doesn’t work. Is it possible with flash? Need direcions. Thanks

S/N CHipXpEB10231002039

Restablecer tablet CHUWI HiPad XPro.mp4 - Google Drive

Use this firmware to hard reset Chuwi HiPad XPro S/N: CHipXpEB40231000448

This was the result

You must use specific firmware for your tablet. Cannot use any firware that was not sent to you according by your tablet S/N.
I used this firmware to flash my unit and is Working just perfect.

Give me your Serial number

Serial number CHipXpEB40231000448

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I’m having the same exact issue. Can anyone help!?!!

Restablecer tablet CHUWI HiPad XPro.mp4 - Google Drive

Send your serial number

S/N : CHipXpEB10231000391