Hi, I have hi 10 air
Due to virus problem need to format disc, now can’t install win 10 from USB
Can anybody help?
Even try to install android and remix os and don’t go. Bios still try to run windows recovery mode.
TNX for info
Hi, I have hi 10 air
Due to virus problem need to format disc, now can’t install win 10 from USB
Can anybody help?
Even try to install android and remix os and don’t go. Bios still try to run windows recovery mode.
TNX for info
Can you describe what happen when you’re installing windows?
Starts with recovery but never complete - files missing
Then I try to install linux and other distribution of windows, windows do install but dont start.
It try to start corupted windows recovery, but can’t finish - files missing
Try to boot in live usb and load files or movie more than 5GB on internal memory and check if they will corrupt after reboot.
If yes - you have hardware problem.
This happens to you that you have installed Windows with normal installation, not customized. You have to remove, before installing Windows, the previous partitions of Windows, which are 12.13.14 and 15 and any other above that number 15 that you can find and that there will be as many times as you have tried to install Windows.
When you start with the Windows pendrive, choose custom installation and on the screen that asks you where you want to install Windows, go selecting, one by one, the partitions that I put you above. When you have deleted the partitions and only 11 are left that correspond to Android, you must indicate the space without assigning - without creating any partition - as the installation destination. The installation program is responsible for creating the necessary partitions. On the screen that asks you for the Windows key, click on “I don’t have a password” since Windows will be activated when you connect to the Internet
That it
I try some stuf
I can instal linux mint and it work well, but I can’t install android, remix os
I’ll try with windows install and we will se
OH on linux
touchscreen don’t work - any idea?
Try to install gsl1680-chuwi-hi10-air.fw
works now on linux and even on windows.
V V sre., 29. jan. 2020 ob 10:03 je oseba Max via CHUWI | Official Forum chuwi@discoursemail.com napisala: