Chuwi HI12 Z8350 Dual Boot Bios Files

Hi can any please provide me with a working link to download windows for my chuwi hi12 dual boot? all the existing links are not working and I have emailed chuwi team no response from them for the past 1 week. please help.

Hi, you can just use a standard WIN 10 USB drive. Just create one with the RUFUS tool according your preferences. Missing driver you can find with DRIVEREASY for example.

EDIT: Just tried the last driver links in this thread: work fine!

this is my device details Hi12 Q64G45160302281Model CWI520
I need the windows for this dual boot Chuwi. all existing links are not working or they are just showing blank blue screen when trying to install windows, and then black screen and then nor power on again.

anyone has Q64G451603XXXX windows files?

Hello. I need BIOS files for my tablet CHUWI CWI520, Q64G45170100702 .

Could you help me, sharing it?

Hello everyone, I have a chuwi Hi12, serial number q64g4161101170, I think it’s bricked but I don’t remember, it seems the tablet don’t boot and don’t charge. There is something that i can do?

Good day, guys. The support has said me that there is not any BIOS for my tablet :sob: