Where can I find drivers and Bios Firmware Software update download for Ubook X 12" Tablet?
Write to service@chuwi.com
Is there a support page or an official cloud to download BIOS update for our product? It seems strange that we need to write to support for every driver or BIOS update for chuwi products…
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Any luck with the bios and drivers?
Can you send me a copy if you have it now. I tried updating my bios and my keyboard and touchscrenn don’t work anymore.
Unfortunately as there are so many updates and products, the Team decided was better to write directly to support.
Please give me your exact model and the Serial number so i can give you the BIOS and Drivers link. Please we strongly recommend to not touch the BIOS.
If you dont know how to install something , let us know and someone else im sure will help on that