Does not turn on after BIOS

Does not turn on after BIOS

Hi a laptop model :CHUWI CW1530

It is for one of my close friends that when installing Windows, all the drivers then crashed the BIOS, after which I activated the BOS settings one after the other one by one. After resetting and saving, it turned off and no longer turns on. You can tell me to reset the hardware and mine of this laptop like other motherboards so that I can reset it and turn it on.

I do not turn on this laptop anymore I need to reset the hardware on the BioS motherboard.
Because it does not turn on, it is not possible to reset and turn on Bavius ​​like other motherboards.

I’m from Iran

And here because of the US banking sanctions, our people and my friend and I have no money and I can not buy this laptop I bought for my friend again.

I wanted to fix my friend’s laptop, but unfortunately it broke down. I have no plans to buy another one for him.

Please guide and help me. Help me remotely

I pray to God for you.

depending on my recent experience with chinese desktop pc I may suggest you to proceed with following steps:

  1. unplug main battery
  2. remove cell (coin) battery (if available)
  3. return everything back and try to run your laptop again.