Missing switch to switch on or off Blutooth. Before it was there but now no longer. Can not install my BT mouse or anything.
Search for new Win10 Drivers did not help.
At https://www.chuwi.com/ I found a driver rar package for this Gemibook, it includes a bluetooth folder with some subfiles but I do not know how to install. A driver install manual says go to device manager … but what to do there? Also there, in the device manager list, bluetooth is missing. Does not exist.
La posibilidad puede estar en quitar toda energía de la laptop. NO se si a usted le funcione. Yo desconecte de la fuente de energía, saque Memoria RAM, SSD. Abrí la laptop desconecte la bateria de la laptop durante unos 10 minutos y después oprimí por unos 25 segundos el boton de encendido, volví a conectar la batería y cerré la laptop y regresé a su sitio RAM y SSD y cuando encendí de nuevo la laptop allí estaba de nuevo la configuración de Bluethooth en configuración de notificación rápida. Repito no se si a usted le funcione pero en vista que el soporte tecnico de esta marca es muy pobre tal vez le sirva de algo intentarlo. Sorry I didn’t answer in English but my writing is bad indeed Hehehe.
THANK YOU very much for this strange advice. I do not know if the machine translation was correct. It was this:
The possibility may be to remove all power from the laptop. I don’t know if this works for you. I disconnected the power supply, removed RAM, SSD. I opened the laptop, disconnected the laptop battery for about 10 minutes and then pressed the power button for about 25 seconds, reconnected the battery and closed the laptop and went back to the RAM and SSD site and when I turned the laptop back on there was again the Bluethooth settings in quick notification settings.
“Abrí la laptop desconecte la bateria de la laptop durante unos 10 minutos y después oprimí por unos 25 segundos el boton de encendido” should actually do nothing. Isnt it? Or does the still existing internal BIOS battery do something?