Hero Book Pro latest Drivers

Hello any body that will listen. I got my hero book pro about 10 months ago, about a month in my track pad stoped and almost all usb ports stoped working. I was fine with that but now what I think is my graphics driver has started to not load stuff. I can’t use my laptop now because I factory reset it with a windows 11 creation tool because I read that will fix some of my issues. But it would be very helpful if I could get the latest drivers update for the Hero Book Pro comparable with windows 11. If any body can help that would be wonder full.

Would you mind to send me your serial number , please?

I think its HeroBX256G210104035

Its BX or BP¿ because i dont have any serial in my list that has BX :frowning:

It says BX. Could it be a regional thing? I’m located in North America. Thats what the serial number says unless I looked in the wrong place.

I just Used the command promt to read the serial number and the whole thing was correct. SO it might realy be a regional thing.