Hero Box windws 11

kan geen wijzgingen aanbrengen of herstel functie gebruiken,
Heb Hero Box geruime tijd in gebruik tot volle tevredenheid echter nu giga problemen kan weinig veranderen of aan passen waarschijnlijk problemen gehad met gebr. Acct of Adminstratorn waardoor veel dingen zijn verandere .geproprobeerd om systeem te Herstllen ook dat kan en mag niet Kan niets aanklikken.

Type Mini PC HeroBox 256G30907135

I actually do not understand what you mean, can you post pictures or video of what is happening?

can not make changes or use restore function,
Have been using Hero Box for quite some time to my complete satisfaction, but now I have huge problems, I can hardly change or adjust anything, probably had problems with the user. Acct or Administrator, which caused many things to change. Tried to restore the system, that is also not possible and may not be allowed. Cannot click on anything.

The only thing i can help is sending you the original files so you can try to install the,

Driver herobox