[Hi10] [Official Version] [Dualboot] Chuwi Hi10 Windows + Android + Bios

what about HI10 Q64G42171200039 ?


This one
But I have to remind you that a tablet doesn’t need a BIOS flash unless it can’t be turned on.

hey where can i get the android files only for cwi527 - LQ64gb42180103398

Hi10 plus andiord:

I have the hi10 Q64G42161200760 since I updated Windows 10 to latest build my tablet no longer boots fully in to windows it will get to the user page then shut down. However if it is plugged in to the mains it will work

To flash android you have to use the phone tool on a pc and plug your tablet into it etc to flash windows you need a USB stick, format it in ntfs not fat32 and name it winpe copy all files in the windows download to the USB now plug it into your tablet and select Windows it should start to install

Hi do you have for Q64G42160501520 both W10 and Android because I corrupted mine

Are you absolutely sure that your tablet was dualboot? Because of your serial number, it doesn’t seem like it. Please confirm if you had double system on your tablet before doing anything

Can you help me? My tablet just shuts down randomly on Windows if it is not plugged in to the mains

HQ64G42161209455 can you send my link for bios and android?

Hi, how can i install dual boot on my Hi10 Air Q64G190607998 ?

Hello, there is no official android firmware for hi10 air. You can use this tutorial " Request Android OS for Chuwi Hi10 Air " or android-x86 project

Hello! Please tell me which version of BIOS and Windows 10 and Android should I put on my tablet?
(My version of the tablet is HI10 Q64G42160400858)

first time: Hello everyone !

Im a newbie and I am looking for the original Software for my CHUWI Hi10X
Serial HI10 X Q128G20010710 (Windows and Drivers)

Please let me know, where I can download it

Thank you so far !

btw: Is it possible to get a dual boot for my Chuwi ?

Thanks a lot !
And sorry for my bad english (I am from Germany)

Hello, i did a fresh install of windows, (LTSC specific) , everything works ok, but touchpad acts very strange. Touch screen also. Before the install, i backed up all my drivers and restored manually after windows install.

My chuwi is Hi10 LQ64G42170906422.Can I flash this file?
Please support me,Im new member…

Hi! Help me fix my tablet. I can’t restore it because I don’t have recovery data. We need Windows 10, Android, and Bios.
Serial Hi10Q64G42151102082

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They are not published in the forum, please write to service@chuwi.com
You should not touch the Bios if the tablet turns on

I have Q64G45160500387
It upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10
No it won’t charge past 5%

please write to [service@chuwi.com]