Hi10 pro bios error, won't boot

Hi, last days when i booted to windows it gived me a blue screen with a bios error message and after that it stops working.
Tried a few thing from internet to make it boot but nothing successfully.
It power on but always black screen and i can manualy turn off it by pressing powern a volume - but nothing else, what can i do?

You can try flashing the Bios, for this, write to service@chuwi.com putting your serial number and instructions to flash since, as the tablet turns on, you can carry out the process from a USB flash drive

i didn’t receive any answer, any other method to contact the support service?

I name @Management to be interested in your problem

Ok i Will write here my model: HQ64G42161208316
I saw something on the official thread of android and Windows ecc. But i don’t want to flash the bad one, there’s no point of return if i do it

searching on the forum i found this thread where the model is similar with mine, differ only for the last 4 numbers, i can use the bios posterd here? Dead CHUWI Hi10 pro. need bios for HQ64G42161203845
there’s any guide on how to flash it, i put in on a fat32 usb memory and connect it to the tablet?

yes, you need to put it on a USB stick and rename that USB drive as WINPE.
Then you connect it to the tablet and turn on by pressing F7 intermittently until a window appears to select the boot. Select the USB stick and the bios flash process will start. When it finishes it will restart, so you must remove the USB at that time.

No menu appears pressing f7, any mode to flash directly without other combinations?

any advice @manonegra222 ? i buyed an eeemc programmer with 1.8v adapter, any guide on how to properly flash the bios with it? is good the bios i found on the other thread?