Hi8 Pro Dualboot problems (Hi8 PQ32G2217090)


I am having trouble with my Hi8. The model is CWI513 and Hi8 PQ32G2217090…

I want to completely remove windows and reinstall android only.

The problem is that all firmwares/roms i downloaded and tried, are unsuccesful.
I have tried
3)android hi8 pro May,
4)android hi8 Pro 64bit August.
5) hi8 Pro PQ32g221705
6)hi8 pro android (to solve deep sleep problem)

With the first two, i couldn’t even get it to flash.
With the later, i managed to flash them with Intel Platform Flash tool lite. I also used the flash json file to remove windows.
(I had no luck in my attemps with Manufacture Flashtool software. )

When Android hi8 pro May loaded, i had no touchscreen support, no wifi, no bluetooth, no camera. So i removed it.


  • Android hi8 Pro 64bit August,
  • hi8 Pro PQ32g221705 and
  • hi8 pro android (to solve deep sleep problem)
    booted, i had no touchscreen support and no camera but the wifi and bluetooth worked.

So my questions are:
a)which is the correct version for me to flash on my device?

b)Also, when i flash android, i only have 8GB of storage out of the 32GB of my system. Can i extend it somehow, to occupy the whole 32GB ?

Thank you

per utilizzare il tuo Tablet con SOLO ANDROID, utilizzando i GB riservati a Windows, quindi sfruttando tutti 32GB nominali del Disco, ecco cosa devi fare:
1-Scarica dal Sito Web “ISO LIVE Parted Magic”, contenente “GPARTED”.
2-Con RUFUS crea una Pennetta USB Live Parted Magic.
3-Inserisci la Pennetta Live nell’HUB USB a 4 Porte, ove collegherai il Tablet (Spento e Carico almeno 80%), una Tastiera USB e un Mouse USB.
4-Tenendo premuro il Tasto “ESC” della Tastiera, Accendi il Tablet, e nel Bios seleziona l’avvio dalla Pennetta Live.
5-Si avvierà Parted Magic, dal suo Desktop, cliccare sull’icona “Gpartd”.
6-Visualizza le Partizioni del Tablet. Elimina le tre Partizioni di Windows (MRP,Windows,Recovery)
7-Spostati sulla Partizione di Android “Data” (8GB), seleziona “RESIZE”, spostando il cursore tutto a destra, Occupando e Allargando tutto lo spazio Vuoto,(creato con l’Eliminazione di Windows).
8-Salva e Riavvia il Tablet: Funzionerà SOLO ANDROID con 28GB.
Puoi visionare il mio Blog:
Come Eliminare Windows ed avere solo Android sul Tablet WinPad 8 W801 Mediacom

il procedimento è lo stesso per CHUWI.
Saluti Sabino


@Management : I have a same problem. I need a right android image for my CWI513 and Hi8 PQ32G2217090xxxx.

Thank You


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@Management: It works, could You also add a files for windows and a bios? Thank You

@sofos: Try it.


Windows:My Files

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How can i install only windows and with all drivers working well?

Can you help me please?

Just install windows, then delete all android partitions.

do you have drivers to windows 10 version 1909?


I need bios dual boot for seri 1511xxxxxx xxxx>2000 thank bro

I have a question: the 1705 version is for the 1709?
I installed version 1708 on my hi8 pro 1709, and it works fine. And I didn’t have to delete partitions, they were deleted automatically.

But I don’t like that it is 32bit, I wanted 64bit, because the processor is 64bit.

do you have only windows 64bit for PQ32G221709xx?

Admin my PQ64G221702XXXXX is dual os 64bit compatible right? Thank you very much

Just flash 64bit bios and voila its BRICKED. I need solution from admin please.

If this shit is not tested why spreading to others.
Where is the tutorial to restore to factory default. Its starts (otg hub is turning on) but no display etc…