How and where to download the office (word, excel and another)?
I need to buy it? I thought there would be access to office!
Microsoft only supply Windows for free (paid for by the computer manufacturers), they make a good living from selling MS Office (or renting it these days), businesses can afford it. Try Libre Office, it’s free and does all the MS Office files.
How can I install Office 2021? Sorry for bumping the old thread. Just wanna help out my dad.
I’m havig trouble installing my existing Office 365. Im trying to install the apps but there’s a technical problem. Is it because I should be installing the 34 bit or 64 bit version instead of the default version? I have just received a Chuwi GemiBook Pro.a
Hey there, no worries about bumping an old thread. So, to install Office 2021 Professional Plus for Windows, you can get it from Turnkey Point. They have a great deal going on right now, so check out their website at It’s super easy to install and your dad will be up and running in no time. Hope this helps.