What version of Linux works with Larkbox?

Is there an issue installing Centos on a Larkbox? It seems these units have some backwater hardware in them requiring manually loaded drivers. At least this is the case if you try and install windows fresh on a Larkbox.

Most of Linux edition works as it should and some are missing some drivers for some components(network, sounds, etc) and some can be fixed with an update.
You must try the one(s) you have as a Live Linux and see how it behaves, and if some components dont work, update it, then if its ok, install the whole Linux.
For example Linux Mint Cinnamon lacks the Ethernet driver but Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon (Edge) works 100%.

Linux Mint 22 and Ubuntu 24.01; the newer kernels have the drivers used by the Larkbox x. Need Kernel 6.4 and above.