My “O” letter key on my keyboard has broken, it has a crack right in the middle of the plastic key. Other than that my LapBook Pro is working fine. Just a simple swap out of the key would solve the problem, but I can’t find any keyboard as a spare part for the LapBook Pro. And CHUWI is telling me via mail, that they don’t have any keys for this particular keyboard in sale. I find all kinds of keyboards for different CHUWI Laptops in the internet, but there’s not a single spare part for the LapBook Pro? Not even a key or the whole keyboard from a defective unit or so? Even if I have 2 years of warranty, I’d still pay for the damn key/keyboard but CHUWI just won’t sell me - that’s ridiculous!
I can’t recommend CHUWI and I’m not gonna buy any CHUWI products again!
La verdad es que los productos CHUWI no son malos. Yo llevo trabajando con mi HEROBOOK PRO más de un año y va estupendamente. Pero el servicio al cliente es MALÍSIMO, ni siquiera responden. La marca ganaría prestigio si este servicio al cliente funcionara. Expuse una consulta en este foro para mi GEMIBOOK PRO, por un mal ajuste del chasis, nada grave, la verdad, y como se me aconsejó desde aqui contacté con CHUWI y me pidieron los datos del dispositivo, los mandé con la absurda esperanza de que me resolvieran ese pequeño problema o me indicaran el proceso para hacerlo yo, si me era factible. Eso fue en febrero de 2021. Todavía estoy esperando que se pongan en contacto conmigo. Y debo que el ordenador es extraordinario y funciona perfectamente. Una lástima porque la calidad del producto se ve mermada con este silencio corporativo.
I absolutely agree! I’m super satisfied with my LapBook Pro and just need a stupid replacement key. If I had the replacement key, all would be perfect. Shouldn’t be too hard to be able to get one. Well, at least I thought so, but CHUWI won’t help.
If you have warranty, you could just get it repaired - or possibly swapped out for a new one. Of course, you’d have to
figure out where/how to hand it in for repair
accept to be without the device for an unforeseen and undoubtedly lengthy time
cross your fingers that the keys of the keyboard are covered by warranty.
(I’m assuming you’re already backing up all your stuff)
It is exceedingly (and increasingly) rare to be able to get parts under warranty for almost anything if you’re not a registered dealer or repair person for the product in question.