Herobook pro M2009054b5x5 8g don't start

Serial: EheroBN256G21032300
Buy on Amazon.fr
Motherboard : x133grx400-gf60g h

Good morning,
For 1 week the PC has not started. by disconnecting the battery once, it restarted, but nothing since.
I think the bios or EC is corrupted.
Can you give me the files for EC and Bios?
I have a programmer, I am a computer technician.

thanks in advance


This is the original windows i will send you the drivers and Bios on MOnday

THX but can you send me the EC ? i think the pb is in the EC, in the windbond ship.

i Know but i dont want to send the incorrect one, so i need my colleague confirmation on Monday

thank you so much




hi, please, i need EC ship .bin it’s the pb

What do you mean? you mean the file extension is not correct?

Good morning,

The file you gave me is the BIOS, but I also need the EC programming file (or SIO) this is the program that concerns the power management chip on the motherboard. Windows files or drivers can’t help me since the PC won’t start.

Here is the Ec:

Sorry but your files was not compiled in 1 bin files.

I can’t use with my programmer.( T48)

have you the possibility to make 1 bin file for EC and BIOS?

Or how i can use your files to make a .bin?

This is what tech gave me. I am not sure how to do that. Maybe is possible there is some info in google on how to make them .bin? We are currently on Holidays so until Sunday/Monday i cant ask tech.

No news for the .bin? i have no solution to complie you file. i need these to file in usable .bin

plz help

I do not forget any of you, when i take a few days is because I am waiting for tech to give me what i asked .
I will ask tomorrow again.)

try this one