I’ve just bought a CHUWI GEMIBOOK PRO , everithing iS OK
I immediately installed LINUX MINT 22.04 but audio doesn’t work (DUMMY in audio devices)
I 've searche on the web for solutions but no solutions, , for now
Have you some idea , other wise I’ve to give back the PC to AMAZON
Попробуйте Manjaro 22.0 любой версии или ClearLinux 37860. Только самые свежие версии. В терминале введите команду alsamixer и все значения включите на максимум.
GREAT!! you’re the only one in the world who answered with have some solution !! I looked up for all the forums , congratulations and thank you very much
With Manjaro 22 and selecting with alsamixer the correct soundcard , it works…
I can’t undestand why just manjaro and no I.E. Garuda ( it’s ARCH)
It’s a first step , i still didn’t try clear Linux…
is not possible to set this soundcard as default and not evertyme to select ?