I need exact information of where to buy a replacement of the full screen for the chuwi Hi9 Air CWI533 tablet chuwi Hi9 Air CWI533 tablet
You can buy it from Chuwi . aftersale@chuwi.com
I have written to all the addresses that come out and do not respond to me, they tell me the price but not how to buy it … I’ve been like this for months
Please tell me your email address.
My mail is afd.pae@gmail.com
Got it.
Our after-sales department told you how to buy it, but you did not pay or provide the address information, so we have not delivered the goods for you.
That is not true, I have happened on countless occasions the information of my tablet and mine and the problem continues, all I want is to buy the LCD screen and the touch screen assembled to assemble it, and you still do not give me solution …
Someone can help me to buy a touch screen replacement? Someone have some istruction to replace it?
Hello, for accessories,parts, please contact aftersale@chuwi.com, our service department will help you out. If you don’t get a proper reply in 24hrs, please tell me at here, I will follow up on it. Have a good day!
AfterSale replace me:
“The screen of Hi9 air is out of stock and has stopped production.”
I need only touchscreen, glass is broken, someone can help me?
LCD Display works fine