Can anybody help with a Ubook X bios “.bin” file…?

Hi Im looking for help if anybody has a backup of their bios “.bin” file they can show me so I can compare to the bios file that Chuwi sent me and try to figure out what section I need to flash to my bios chip for it to work again. I’m using a ch341a programmer that clamps onto the chip and it’s a winbond 25x20clng. The size of the chip is 256kb and the bios file they sent me is 8mb but it won’t fit on the chip of I try flashing the whole file so i need help to find the section of hex code in the bios file that is the right part to flash onto my bios chip to fix it… thank you!

Maybe yopu can try in Reddit or even Russian forums, is possible there you could suceed better