Changing PWM Frequency


I just bought a Chuwi Aerobook Laptop, it performs great for normal tasking work. But i have just found an Issue that most of Chuwi Laptop using PWM to control it’s screen brightness, which make a little buzzing sound if the screen brightness goes below 100% (0-99%). At default by Chuwi Aerobook, The PWM Frequency set as 2.000 hz, is it okay if we change it either to 200 hz or 20.000 hz in order to prevent the buzzing sound?

I have found another way to prevent the buzzing sound, we just need to control the brigness from “intel graphics settngs” by just letting the screen brightness of the laptop by 100% and change the Brightness level to -10 and contrast level to 40 (in intel graphics settings). it will make your screen dimmer to likely 50%, but it’s not dimm enough to use the laptop in a dark room.

Thanks in advance
Suwono Kusuma

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