Chuwi freebook 13,5 intel n5100

quando chiudo lo schermo non si riaccende più, lampeggia il tasto accensione ma non si avvia, devo tenere premuto il tasto accensione per un arresto forzato

@manonegra222 would be possible to check this in BIOS?

sorry, this what? where i can see?

When you close the lid of the laptop, the computer goes to sleep, waiting for you to open it again and for everything to be as you left it; To do this, simply press Enter a few times and the login screen will reappear. If the time to open the lid is more than an hour or so, the laptop will go into sleep mode and you will have to press the power button even though the windows you have open must be present.

if I close the lid it doesn’t turn on anymore, whatever button I press, the power light stays on but it doesn’t start up again