Chuwi Hi10 XPro Recovery or factory reset


Just a concern… Hope you notice my message. I need help. My Chuwi Hi10 XPro was locked. The PIN code was changed and cannot remembered. How can I unlock my tablet? Is there a factory reset or recovery mode for Chuwi Hi10 XPro? Thank you…

No they do not have. You need to flash again the tablet. Give me your serial number and i will send you the files

Here is the serial number of my Chuwi Hi10 XPro

Serial Number: YH10XpAB30230903837



I need to reset pin too. My serial number is: ZHipXpEY00230300715.

Thanks for help.

Br, Tom

Can I use the same files and tutorial as [ErikaMae]?

@Tom7 can you please make me a picture of the Serial Number i think it is not correct.
