Hi, I have a very old Hi8 model, it still works perfectly. My question is, what’s the type or size of the USB port in the middle? I was hoping I can use that port to power the tablet, while using the Type C port for regular work. Any info would be appreciated. Or link on how/where to get that cable. My regular android size usb would not fit. Thank you.!
Maybe I’m wrong, but it should be a regular micro-usb, and if you can’t connect the cable, then the port may be broken.
This port is usually used for otg.
Ohhhh, just found that it’s Hi8 pro, so it’s must be micro-hdmi
Thanks for the reply. It’s a tad narrower than the regular micro-usb. I chipped the plastic on both sides to use a regular micro-usb but still would not fit. I’m hoping maybe Chuwi has its own connector for this port.
I see, thanks for the tip! I’ll try a micro-hdmi. Quick google and I think it’s a micro-hdmi.
But if it is, if I use a micro-hdmi to usb adaptor, will it power on the tablet?
I am not sure that Chuwi realized this option.