Chuwi Hi8 win+android re-install

Can anywone please help me?
I messed up with my tablet and would like to re install the original windows and android on my tablet chuwi Hi8 Model CW1509, 64 bit, Q32G22150909407. would you kindly provide me the needed ISO and drivers please?

Thank you.

anywone please help me?
I messed up with my tablet and would like to re install the original windows and android on my tablet chuwi Hi8 Model CW1509, 64 bit, Q32G22150909407. would you kindly provide me the needed ISO and drivers please?

Why would you have two same messages in two different users? did you register a new account?

No, I don’t know why.
Will try to verify.

I will give you the files on Monday. Or maybe @manonegra222 can find them?

These are the files:

thank you very much i received the shared files but i am failing to download, when i try to download i see the box saying insufficient bandwidth…

Thank you.

i tried to download them and it worked. Can you restart the computer and try again, if not would you please send me a screen capture of the error?

Hi, thank you very much i finally succeeded to download the files. i had to download one by one, but it worked, thank you i will now try to figure out how to restore my tablet.

Thank you very much for you help.

i am glad to hear that