I have the same problem!!
Same here, sometimes Youtube won’t load. I also have a problem where my taskbar keeps crashing, and I have to keep restarting Windows Explorer. No response from support whatsoever, never buying a Chuwi product again.
Absolutely no problems on GNU/Linux
I know you won’t switch. But please install another browser - Windows Explorer is really bad.
Try Firefox, Brave or give away your last bit of privacy to Chrome.
Please check if security protocol is setup to TKIP or AES. If TKIP, change to AES and see if it solves the slowness.
Some Intel Network Cards have kinda incompatibility with some routers and TKIP protocol.
Hi there ! Been having the same problem since day one like you @piana. Do you remember what you’ve done?
It’s pretty useless using the laptop like this.
Need help from support