Corebox drivers issue

I have severe driver problems and have been trying to find them online to reinstall them but can’t find them anywhere.

My sound doesn’t work and who knows what problems will pop up as I am missing 6/7 drivers,

Please send me a link to download the drivers, a complete driver backup or some other method to solve this problem.
I like my corebox pro a lot and I need this fixed, thank you.

My model has an i5-8259U, 16gb RAM and 256gb SSD.

Te digo lo que yo hice:
Click derecho en cada dispositivo y busca el hardware ID
Buscalo en internet y encontraras los drivers.
Yo tengo un Corebox x y he descargado e instalado drivers de Lenovo, Asus y otras marcas y todo funciona bien.

Ciao io ho risolto in questo modo:

dopo l’installazione di Win10 ho cercato da win update tutti gli aggiornamenti disponibili.

Successivamente ho cercato tutti gli aggiornamenti facoltativi sempre dalla pagina Update.

In questo modo ha trovato e installato tutti i driver dei dispositivi non riconosciuti.

in questo modo a me funziona tutto e non ci sono più dispositivi sconosciuti.


same problem with linux…
I have only the HDMI sound (and bluetooth). The “analog” output doesn’t work.

its going to be a bit of hunting around, but I was able to find the drivers by looking up the vendor ID of each driver.