Gemibook Xpro Wifi Linux


did anyone manage to get a working wifi under Linux?
No matter if Manjaro, Ubuntu or any other distribution?

Please share your Uefi-setting.

Kernel has the the drivers, but cannot activate the hardware, as there are some features not active in the wifi-hardwares firmware, which the kernel likes to work with. At least that is how it seems.



I got wifi working in EndeavorOS, based on Arch-linux. This method should also work on Manjaro. All you need to do is build the following package from AUR: AUR (en) - iwlwifi-ax101-dkms. Bluetooth still doesn’t work, by the way.

Perhaps there are also versions of this fix for Debian/Ubuntu, but I don’t have those installed at the moment. Good luck!

Thx for your efforts and time. Unfortunately this fix does not work for me under manjaro.

Time brings the solution, after several new kernels, wifi now works!

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time did bring solutions, running linux mint 21.2 cinnamon and updated kernel to 6.5 and everything works out of the box, just need to configure tpl

I have tried Linux Mint 21.2 Edge (kernel 6.5) but the network (Ethernet and Wi-Fi) isn’t recognized… Did you something to make them work?