I can't turn on my tablet

Hi, I cant turn on my tablet again, I check cable, charger and it’s not posible to turn it on, I try to press on button for 30 sec and nothinh, I try too to press on and volumen + and nothing, I try to press recovery button and nothing, my N/S JHX10XpAB50240100195 I dont know what to do. Not screen show

You made sure charger workes and tablet is fully charged? Does it give any signes of life (led light up, buzzer, vibrator motor… anything)?

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Levae it charging for a whole night, sometimes the battery is completely out and needs some time

The battery was full charge but stop turning on, when I conected to the computer sound that can reed it but not show anything

Hm, maybe (worth a shoot) the backlight died. Try using a flashlight (or anything bright) and shining at the screen to see if the image is there, just really dark.

If nothing works, it would need to be sent to repair if its still under warranty