Keyboard problematics

hi my lapbook pro keyboard suddenly changed from setted italian input to an unknow keyboard where L for example, corrisponds to 3, etc. I tried with Windows settings,no result, tried to reset Windows,no results…help!!


I have same problem with Lapbook SE. I tried everything. I think is a bug. Nobody can reply form the company?

Please contact

I resolved with a complete Windows reset

It seems that numeric keyboard is locked.
J=1, K=2, L =3, etc.

have you test with Fn + Delete/NumLk ?

Hi i had the sale problem.keyboard fool,solved with a complete Windows seems to work right

did you tried a complete Windows reset?

I suppose, there’s no need to reset Windows.
This issue started after I connected an external USB keyboard and I pressed NumLock key on it. When I disconnected it, my laptop keyboard profile became messed up.

To restore correct funcionality, it has been sufficient to connect the external keyboard again and press NumLock key to virtually deactivate it.
Easy! :wink:

In my case this was fixed by disabling the Num Lock key from the on-screen keyboard. This particular video was helpful to me: Mi Teclado Escribe Números En Vez De Letras - Desbloquear Teclado Numerico De Laptop - YouTube (watch from minute 4)