LarkBox ProのBIOSアップデート方法

今更ながらLarkBox Proを入手したのですがBIOSが古く、こちらのフォーラムで
新しいBIOS 「LarkBox Pro TPM 不清KEY」を見つけたのですがBIOSのアップデート

Could you explain better what is exactly the problem you have with the computer, i did not understand correctly :(.

I found a new BIOS “LarkBox Pro TPM 不清 KEY” on this forum.
I do not know how to update the BIOS.
How do I update the BIOS?

I see. Each pc has a different software, we normally dont make updates for BIOS, unless there is a big issue. If you tell me your Serial number and exact model i can check the BIOS it had.But we recommend you dont install other BIOS as it may break the computer.

LarkBox Pro
LarkB P128C21021848

I don’t have a reply after all, but how can I update the BIOS?

I am looking for a BIOS image that supports TPM2.0 for LarkBox Pro.
Is it still available?

LarkBox Pro

Sorry for the delay i am waiting for tech to give me the BIOS, because the product is old, and they cannot locale. I hope i can give you tomorrow.

Thank you very much.
It helps.

this is the Only BIOS that we have available.

Thank you for providing the BIOS image.
I tried to update but could not get TPM 2.0.
I will try the Windows 11 update instructions on youtubu.