My chuwi have a many issus

my chuwi hi10x show a blue screen then cannot see ssd chip
serial:ZHI 10XEW1H211106283

Where you installing something? what happened before that occured?

Try to install the system again

driver:( 21AP2R )微步主板升级win11 drive

BIOS: BIOSZW-BI-101-S101GWR210-GH86B-068-D

thanks a lot i’ll try

sorry get error:3 when intalling
the system cannot find the path specified
what can i do plz

@manonegra what do you thinnk it could be?

Please be patient with me
I was trying to reinstall Windows from the copy you sent
The problem was a recurring blue screen and reboot
I reached the halfway point
I can’t install Windows nor restore the old one
As if the problem is in the SSD
Any suggestions? The problem still exists

In this case it seems hardware issues.But its not sure

Is there a way you take the laptop to a repair center so they can try to tell you if its hardware or software?. Just to rule out what could it be. In case its just software, we discard sending the computer to repair as its either in Hong Kong, Germany or USA. I do not know where do you currently live , and as it is not in warranty anymore you will need to pay for the repair.