That thread has just disappeared so I can no longer find the files to flash Windows and BIOS on this tablet. I’ve just reset it through the Windows 10 panel but now the tablet doesn’t start correctly anymore, I have to flash Windows, like other users have said, to solve this issue but I can’t find the files to do it anywhere. I’d also like to flash the BIOS but, again, the thread that contained such files has disappeared.
Same issue with Hi9 plus all posts and downloads vanished. Hopefully they will put them back, else not much point having a forum.
Same issue with Ubook. Mine was the only post and it disappeared.
Just came back to grab the drivers for the regular Hi10. Nowhere to be found. I get wanting to upgrade the forums to solve the bugs the previous forums had but at least merge all past posts before pushing it live. This is extremely inconvenient.
You must wait a few days until the new forum includes the sections, threads and files to download the firmware of your tablet, keep calm.
Salve. Anche io ho diversi problemi con il mio Tablet hi10 pro . volevo sapere se questo è l unico forum ufficiale per il download degli aggiornamenti vari. Ho problemi di lettura SD esterna e del WiFi che si stacca dal router molto spesso. Grazie per la risposta
Si, questo è l’unico forum ufficiale.