Windows 10 Version 1903 ChuwiH12

When I Updated my Chuwi H12 to Windows 10 Version 1903 (64bit) l lcant found any network and I lost my network drivers and i can’t get back to the older Windows 10 Version
Can you give me the an . exe to install the network drivers or the software to Reinstall windows10?

That happened because it did not update but reinstall the operating system.
Now you will have to install the drivers for non-Intel devices so that everything works again.
I need to write the serial number of your tablet, which is on the back, to put the link to download the drivers.

Dear manonegra222, he serial No of Chuwi Hi12 is Q64G45170102811

Best regards

Chuwi Hi12 Dualboot Driver_X64 Download:

Chuwi Touch Driver Z8350 (for Hi12 Q64G45170100001-Hi12 Q64G45170105000): … %29%28-V1.4.2.0.rar

The first link is invlaid:


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endet: Samstag, 01. Februar 2020 um 18:29 Uhr