Ciao, ho comprato un adattatore usb-c RJ45 ethernet, per poter collegare il tablet direttamente alla rete di casa, ma non riesco a connettermi né con Windows 10 ne con Android.
Qualcuno mi potrebbe spiegare la procedura esatta da fare per farlo funzionare?
L’adattatore è questo:
This is something that Android doesn’t support but Windows does.But you said all do not support, may be the reason for the interface, you can change a kind of OTG to transfer RJ45.
like this:
Thanks, now i’m trying to update the driver in Windows and the i’ll let you now if work!
Notting! This one it’s ok?
I had a Hi10 Pro tablet and bought a hub that contained a rj45 port but it is also true that some users did not work with their adapters. The problem was very simple because it was all because the tablet’s USB C port is too deep and needs the connector to be pointed long enough for it to make good contact. They solved it by cutting with a cutter a millimeter of the plastic that surrounds the connector C of the accessory