Aerobook problem

Hello, I use Chuwi aerobook and bumps into severals problems.

  1. Automatic repair : This happens many times it’s shows the black screen with the “chuwi” on it at first I thought it because of the windows problems but then again this happens so it might be the problems of the laptop.
  2. When it turn back on it shows nothing on the screen.
  3. It suddenly turn off if I release the “shift” keys.

Please give any useful suggestions as soon as possible.

Try to do a memory test. Windows tool, USB tool.

Probably your keyboard is defective.
Try to contact with

I already contact They give me window 10 I have reinstall window 10 but it doesn’t solve the problem.

If the memory diagnostic tool finds no problems check you SSD.
In the troubleshoot menu find console(command prompt) and type “wmic diskdrive get status” status should be OK. Also try to run check disk tool - chkdsk C: /f

Sorry for late reply this is the result

Well, anything you can check without disassembling the laptop is probably done.
I will assume that malfunctioning of the keyboard prevents the system from booting normally (this often happens if the keyboard is damaged).
Most likely, the power button, shift and maybe some other buttons use the same signal line, like this

You should ask for warranty repairs.
But if you’re out of warranty, I would suggest detaching the keyboard and seeing how the laptop boots.

spare parts

I feel like they don’t need to help. They just tell me send it to repair point.

How I can get the spare parts for repair ???

At the moment, spare parts for this laptop can only be purchased at an aftersale service.
I recommend sending your laptop for repair, the problem may not be just the keyboard.

The repair station in Hong Kong is not open. And the cost to sent laptop is very exensive during this time. I see a lot of bad comments from customer in Chuwi’s IG and Facebook page.

I have no idea now Only waiting reply my email

Try this

If it shows white screen during bootup, it’s because it has booted on the secondary SSD stick (the first SSD is soldered onboard), which has no OS on it by default.