Another Corebook X, another broken hinge, another case of no support after warranty

I’ve had the 8259u Corebook X for about 15 months. I already paid shipping once for them to send me a replacement for a swollen battery, but when it worked I was happy with it.

However, things have progressed to total hinge failure. I’ve used my laptop between my couch and desk 100% of the time, it never left the house, it was treated very lightly. After a while the left side of the display hinge started creating a pressure spot on the screen. Eventually this worsened to the hinge clutch coming off a quarter of the way on the left side, and opening or closing the lid became difficult so I largely left it open. As this worsened I took a look inside by carefully removing the rest of the hinge clutch. Indeed, the innards are all plastic and had broken on the left side, creating a disjoin between the right and left. The little plastic supports on the metal bars had broken. While there’s one part that’s metal, everything around it is brittle plastic. I can’t imagine this was tested to last years, it seems made to last just to end of warranty.

They are offering no support really outside of warranty. Is there a whole display assembly I can buy? At first glance these things seem like a value, but it’s still not really if it costs 700CAD to only make it one year…If I buy a 2000 dollar Macbook Air that lasts 5 years that’s nearing half the yearly cost of this lol.


I also had the same problem. I only had the laptop for about a week.

Is there any full display assembly I could buy and replace to fix this? I only see the inner LCD panel for sale, which is not broken, just the whole hinge area is