I just received my Lapbook Pro, version 8/256
Nice product, but it works very badly.
I’m having problems with the touchpad. Certain functions (but not all), such as tapping to select a window, hang at times, very randomly. When this happens, the touchpad becomes very difficult to handle (the pointer moves with difficulty on the screen, and you have to press very hard on the touchpad to open a link, a window). I manage to get by with a usb mouse, but it’s not normal not to be able to use the touchpad correctly.
The lapbook says that the driver (which dates from 2006?) Is up to date and that it works well. But it really isn’t.
I also have problems with entering text.
The machine writes all by itself a series of incomprehensible characters resembling dots. These characters are then very difficult to remove and their presence prevents the forms from being correctly filled in (password, wifi key, etc.).
This makes using the computer almost impossible.
I tried twice to uninstall / reinstall windows 10, but it did not solve the problems
Can you help me ?
This laptop has a very nice design, I would be sad to have to send it back to the seller
Thank you
I am sorry to read this, but it seems that your LapBook Pro has a hardware problem since you have reinstalled Windows and continue to do so.
The fact that the driver has a date of 2016 does not mean anything, it is a Windows 10 driver and has not received an update because it has not needed it.
Contact the seller and get a replacement or refund.
If I have to send it back, I would be really disappointed.
When I say having installed / uninstalled windows 10 twice, in fact I mean that I used the tool found in the parameters, the one called “recovery”.
Maybe it was not a real uninstall / reinstall? I did not use an external usb key and when I reset windows, I was not connected to the internet (impossible to enter the wep key for the wifi terminal)
Perhaps there is something more radical to do?
I wish I could keep it, when it works properly - it happens sometimes - it is really nice.
Ps: for the touchpad driver, the computer says 2006 and not 2016, that’s why it surprises me
I have a good new.
My lapbook is working and it seems to be doing well.
I searched for hours and, finally, it was a simple thing. Just a blocked key (the one next to the ‘1’ at the top of the keyboard).
Hello, the touchpad itself had no problem. Nothing worked just because of the stuck key
Now, on the other hand, I have a real problem, the same as many other people: one of the hinges broke, even though I was being very careful.with my laptop
Assez simplement . juste en tapant plusieurs fois (même si je l’ai parfois fait assez méchamment) sur la touche bloquée.
La vraie difficulté a surtout été de trouver que les dysfonctionnements multiples de l’ordinateur venaient de cette touche
En revanche, je n’ai jamais essayé d’utiliser une souris.
Dans mon cas, les dysfonctionnements se produisaient avec le pavé tactile, qui réagissait mal et devenait très difficile à utiliser
Et souvent, l’ordinateur écrivait tout seul des séries de points !
Maintenant, je n’ai plus de problème : avec sa charnière cassée, l’ordinateur est devenu totalement inutilisable
Je ne l’ai plus ouvert depuis avril/mai.
Au total, il n’aura fonctionné que 3 ou 4 mois
I have managed to fix the problem that the mouse jumps from one place to another by installing the drivers “Synaptics Touchpad Driver” found in google.
Hi same problem. Just tonight my hinge broke. I was very careful closing it, but I heard a crack sound. I just had also similar issue before. Autotyping the dot or period and a key which is not functioning. My laptop was not even 1 year old.
What to do with the broken hinge? I was being very careful with the aerobook pro laptop and yet this happen. Chuwi was very problematic. Can I able to return this to the seller. I was able to spend on the forst issue, and yet another issue. So disappointing.