Can you tell me Influencers of Linux you follow that i could send our products?

As you know im also in charge of sending our products to influencers, specially in Spain. But in Europe and USA would also be ok. (mainly because of warehouses)
And considering we do not offer support for Linux, but maybe i could send it to people who really understand about Linux, will know how to solve the problems so they could install it and help other people who may have doubts with it.Like a guide

I am more interested to solve FreeBook/MiNibook X /Larkbox x /Herobox and maybe GemiBook PLus that is the ones i have seen here to have more doubts.

If possible that they have some amount of followers, if not the company wont accept my petition.


channel The Linux Experiment would be the biggest one out there
others include:

thank you so much will be a great help

No problem ;3

Problemele care au fost cu Linux Windows au fost cauzate de soft greșit Microsoft.Vezi că mie mi-a venit mesaj de la Microsoft că s-a rezolvat problema.

To my knowledge there are not many linux youtube influencers with a large audience who are focused on promoting hardware. And also not many who will give a guide how to install linux. Those youtubers that do have a small group of followers.

I’d suggest you to take a look at @TechTablets and @ETAPRIME.
TechTablets will give a honest review and ETAPRIME is more commercial.

We are already colaborating with TechTablets,but ETA prime we cant afford. :). So its ok, i will continue searching. In Spanish i had several ones that wanted to help.