un "eccezionale" supporto tecnico

Hi, what do you have to do to receive a minimum of technical assistance?
I’ve been sending emails to various addresses for months, but I only get CONFUSED and inconsistent answers!
I gave you confidence by joining the campaign on Indigogo for your “AeroBook Plus”. The result?
No support!


Chuwi delivers its products with a specific operating system and provides service for that operating system by publishing the rom and drivers for that system. Any modification you want to make is not supported by Chuwi and will be at your own risk.

In the support request emails, NO ONE asked for an additional warranty or anything else!

The question, since in the Indigogo campaign, they claimed (chiwi) full Linux compatibility, how do I run a liveCD or Linux system on an external harddrive? (Since the UEFI doesn’t allow me to boot?

This doesn’t seem like an onerous or particularly challenging request. Months of unanswered or meaningless emails)

Great after sales support!!!

Saying “is supported” does not indicate that we are going to help you install the system. You will need to get support from the very system you have chosen to install. It is as if you buy a car -which works-, you decide to make changes in the programming and then you want the manufacturer to tell you how to make it work.

This is a collaborative forum, where Chuwi posts his official firmwares to help users who have had problems. Maybe some user can help you with the installation.

I would love to be able to help you, but I am not fluent in Linux

First of all I would like to understand if you are a chuwi “fan” or an employee! Because if it is the first case then, I appreciate the enthusiasm, and I respect the ideas but no point in going further into the debate.
If you are an employee, then I would like to point out that although it is correct that YOU do not provide support, in fact YOU CANNOT PREVENT the installation of an operating system that you have claimed works on your product!
The boot does not work, it does not boot, it crashes, in short it does not work! As you can easily understand it is NOT a problem of drivers or other, but a real block to the operation!
And with this I close, hoping that a technician will provide me, or on this channel, or by mail a “TECHNICAL” answer.

Best Regards!

Just for clarification, I am not an employee of Chuwi.
I hope I can get the chosen system installed. All the best.

Almost a week later, NO ONE from this “AMAZING” company has been heard from!
The only voice was the kind “manonegra222” who tried to interact with the new forum user. Although we are not immediately understood :wink:
A behavior, theirs, really deplorable that has no excuse in the language gap and everything that follows.
Such an attitude is only attributable to the complete contempt of the customer.
I don’t think they don’t have a technician (worthy of this name) who can take charge of the problem and do (seriously,) the necessary checks!