Here is a Complete Driver Pack for the Hi10x Tablet ( Windows 10 Drivers ). its created with Driver Genius Backup feature. It is an exe file, simply run it and click through the options ( next next next … allow, next etc etc ). It will install all the drivers, I backed up every single driver on the device to this pack, ALL of them…
I have personally tested this on a standard windows 10 that i installed on the tablet, then i used this driver pack and it installed all hardware, including touch screen and auto rotate, everything works. You can use it on any windows 10 edition.
You are welcome…
Download link :
Mega Mirror :
MediaFire Mirror :
Its a big driver pack, it takes around 20+ minutes to install, so once you run it just sit back and let it do its thing…
Thank you very much! Will this pack work also with the last windows version? Not the chuwi version of this topic: [Hi10 X] [Official Version] Chuwi Hi10 X Driver, Windows Tutorial Download but the one that you can download from Microsoft site.
yes, it works on any windows 10 build. its an independent driver pack, its not for a specific build, it will work on all windows 10 versions.
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Ok! I will install the last Windows 10 version, il will update everything using Windows Update, after that I will install the drivers that you have shared.
I will let you known if it works. Thanks!
as i said in my reply, its a massively compressed file. so when you first run it to open it it takes a while, just sit back and wait… once opened just click through the prompts … next next next next … there is one spot where it asks you to allow driver install for one of the drivers, that is standard… say yes and next next next … and when its done reboot and then all should work.
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Ok, done. Everything works except for the touchscreen. Can I ask you what are your touchscreen settings in the BIOS, in:
Chipset -> South Cluster Conf. -> Misc. Conf. ???
My settings are:
ola, sera que não ha PACOTE DE DRIVE COMPLETO para o Hi13 CW1534 Q64G45170300626 ?
thanks a lot, best regards
have your problem been soled?
Merci pour vos pack, cependant rencontrez vous des problèmes de son/micro et surtout d’affichage ?
Car j’ai migré sur Windows 11 et l’écran de fige quand je regarde une vidéo ou il scintille de temps en temps au bout de 10min utilisation. Il faut que je redémarre la tablette a chaque fois que le soucis apparait ce qui est pénible sur le long terme.
J’ai eu le même soucis sur Windows 10 et aussi la batterie qui tiens que 5h en utilisation normale alors que la tablette n’a que 3 semaines d’utilisation (neuf)
Merci de vos réponses 
Thank you for your pack, however are you having sound / microphone and especially display problems?
Because I migrated to Windows 11 and the screen freezes when I watch a video or it flickers from time to time after 10min of use. I have to restart the tablet each time the problem appears, which is painful in the long term.
I had the same concern on Windows 10 and also the battery which takes only 5 hours in normal use while the tablet only has 3 weeks of use (new)
Thank you for your answers 
Hey @Vincentrouen
You can try to disable the “Use hardware acceleration when available” on MS Edge or Chrome to fix display flickr while playing a video
Update your Intel UHD 600 here
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Thanks for taking time to post this, it solved my flicker problem on my Hi 10x when using Chrome browser.
you are number one thank you after proceeding to install!!!
Dear all, could someone please make available for download the driver package for CHUWI HI 10 device, with the Windows 11 operating system installed?
These are my extracted original drivers and other drivers that I downloaded (but in my opinion they are not necessary to update).
Both of them are ok for windows 10 and windows 11.