Corebook X 2023 i3-1215u Keyboard backlight turns off after a few seconds

When I turn on the backlight for the keyboard on my Corebook X book, it turns off after a few seconds. I need to press a key to turn it back on again. Is there a way to disable this? It’s inconvenient that I need to mash my keyboard in the dark to turn the light back on and find whatever key I need. Thank you.

this issue has been resolved with a patch. Please send a patch for my laptop.
SN: JCorBXIY9H231200774

i will ask if possible.

Hello, is there any new information?

No new info, i normally tell tech, and they pass it to the developers, but it takes a while,i am sorry.

Can you fix my keyboard backight? I need “alwys on backlight” my serial: JCorBXDY2H220302791

For the moment is difficult to create a patch for a very small percent, as there are many serial numbers, and configurations. We are sorry

Corebook X 2023 i3-1215u

The laptop is wonderful, but the dimming backlight spoils the positive impression. Maybe a patch already exists, or some kind of application that allows you to turn on the backlight all the time.

my serial: JCorBXIY9H231200458