Downloadable manuals for Hi10 Max N100 and Hi10 Max keyboard?

Are there manuals for download for the Hi10 Max (N100 chipset I guess) and the Hi10 Max keyboard? US-English version probably, if it matters. In particular I’d like to lock the Fn keys to emit Fxx by default instead of volume, play, brightness, etc. Thanks!

So let me try to understand, you want the keys to be actually just F1 F2 F3

Not function as volume, display etc…?

Exactly. I use applications that make heavy use of the F2-F12 keys, and needing to hold down the Fn key every single time to use F1-F12 is a pain.

Also, downladable manuals for the Hi10 Max and the keyboard?


Wellp, according to Chuwi Official Support ticket Accessories issue(26986),

Sorry, keyboard settings cannot be changed on this model.

As for downloadable product manuals, they sent me this URL,